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Get users and groups in project



Get all groups, users and their roles, and available roles for the given project.


Path Parameters

    projectId stringrequired


    groups object[]required

    A list of groups that have access to this project

  • Array [
  • name string

    The name of the group

    Example: DX team
    id integerrequired

    The group's ID in the Unleash system

    Example: 1
    addedAt date-time

    When this group was added to the project

    Example: 2023-08-01T14:35:16Z
    roleId integer

    The ID of the role this group has in the given project

    Example: 5
    roles integer[]

    A list of roles this user has in the given project

    description stringnullable

    A custom description of the group

    Example: Current members of the DX squad
    mappingsSSO string[]

    A list of SSO groups that should map to this Unleash group

    Example: ["SSOGroup1","SSOGroup2"]
    rootRole numbernullable

    A role id that is used as the root role for all users in this group. This can be either the id of the Viewer, Editor or Admin role.

    Example: 1
    createdBy stringnullable

    A user who created this group

    Example: admin
    createdAt date-timenullable

    When was this group created

    Example: 2023-06-30T11:41:00.123Z
    users object[]

    A list of users belonging to this group

  • Array [
  • joinedAt date-time

    The date when the user joined the group

    Example: 2023-06-30T11:41:00.123Z
    createdBy stringnullable

    The username of the user who added this user to this group

    Example: admin
    user objectrequired

    An Unleash user

    id integerrequired

    The user id

    Example: 123
    isAPI booleandeprecated

    Deprecated in v5. Used internally to know which operations the user should be allowed to perform

    Example: true
    name stringnullable

    Name of the user

    Example: User
    email string

    Email of the user

    username stringnullable

    A unique username for the user

    Example: hunter
    imageUrl string

    URL used for the user profile image

    inviteLink string

    If the user is actively inviting other users, this is the link that can be shared with other users

    Example: http://localhost:4242/invite-link/some-secret
    loginAttempts integer

    How many unsuccessful attempts at logging in has the user made

    Example: 3
    emailSent boolean

    Is the welcome email sent to the user or not

    Example: false
    rootRole integer

    Which root role this user is assigned

    Example: 1
    seenAt date-timenullable

    The last time this user logged in

    Example: 2023-06-30T11:42:00.345Z
    createdAt date-time

    The user was created at this time

    Example: 2023-06-30T11:41:00.123Z
    accountType string

    A user is either an actual User or a Service Account

    Example: User
    permissions string[]


    scimId stringnullable

    The SCIM ID of the user, only present if managed by SCIM

    activeSessions integernullable

    Count of active browser sessions for this user

    Example: 2
    deletedSessions number

    Experimental. The number of deleted browser sessions after last login

    Example: 1
  • ]
  • scimId stringnullable

    The SCIM ID of the group, only present if managed by SCIM

  • ]
  • users object[]required

    A list of users and their roles within this project

  • Array [
  • isAPI booleandeprecated

    Whether this user is authenticated through Unleash tokens or logged in with a session

    Example: false
    name string

    The name of the user

    Example: Hunter Burgan
    email stringnullable

    The user's email address

    id integerrequired

    The user's ID in the Unleash system

    Example: 1
    imageUrl urinullable

    A URL pointing to the user's image.

    addedAt date-time

    When this user was added to the project

    Example: 2023-08-01T14:35:16Z
    roleId integer

    The ID of the role this user has in the given project

    Example: 5
    roles integer[]

    A list of roles this user has in the given project

  • ]
  • roles object[]required

    A list of roles that are available within this project.

  • Array [
  • id integerrequired

    The role id

    Example: 9
    type stringrequired

    A role can either be a global root role (applies to all projects) or a project role

    Example: root
    name stringrequired

    The name of the role

    Example: Editor
    description string

    A more detailed description of the role and what use it's intended for

    Example: Users with the editor role have access to most features in Unleash but can not manage users and roles in the global scope. Editors will be added as project owners when creating projects and get superuser rights within the context of these projects. Users with the editor role will also get access to most permissions on the default project by default.
    project stringnullable

    What project the role belongs to

    Example: default
  • ]

Authorization: Authorization

name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API
curl -L '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/projects/:projectId/access' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
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Base URL
— pathrequired

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